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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Will He or Wont' He?

I sit here and wonder as my wedding anniversary nears, will he remember or wont he? It doesn’t really matter one way or the other if I get a gift, although I know I won’t. The one time he bought me a gift on our anniversary (back around the 1st or 2nd year), it was really because he had been such an ass towards me. He bought me a 20 gallon fish tank. Again, it’s not about the present, but about whether he REMEMBERS. I’ve even had to break it down for him and say mean stuff like, “wow … I knew it was an omen that our anniversary should fall right after a tragedy like 9/11”. This isn’t one of those milestone anniversaries; it’s number 9. Will he behave himself or will he have another ‘angry’ day. Just for giggles, I’m going to open a poll to see what you think. WILL HE OR WON’T HE? Take a moment to cast your vote (poll is just above my mugshot).


Soguesswhat11 said...

oh my..... don't men just stink sometimes?? Eh, but we love them anyway..... ; )

illyse said...

Awwww.. I hope he remembers! I am sad that you have to "wonder" about that.. I hope that he will remember so you don't have to even think about it anymore.. If not though, know that there are many other people who do love and appreciate you! Wishing you a happy day and recognition for putting up with his shit!!