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Friday, October 24, 2008

Tag, I was it, now it's your turn!

I've been tagged by Kimmie of Crafting for Sanity (incidentially I love her blog name)! So I'm off to tag a few gals myself. First though I must post how it works...

  • Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
  • Answer the five sets of five (this is the easy part)
  • Tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
  • Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Things I love

  1. Scrapbooking & Papercrafting (easy one)
  2. My annoying kiddos
  3. My parents & younger sister.
  4. Animals of all kinds
  5. All my super duper friends

Things I don't love

  1. Sitting in Traffic that goes now where fast
  2. my hubster's moodswings
  3. people who volunteer me for stuff w/o asking first
  4. Missed kick arse sales!
  5. folding clothes

Songs on your iPod/Playlist

  1. I Feel Perfect - Porcelain & The Tramps
  2. 18 Wheeler - Pink
  3. Hurt - Nine Inch Nails
  4. Disturbia - Rhianna
  5. Long Way to Happy - Pink

Favorite Foods/Drinks

  1. MMMMM....COFFEE!!!
  2. Mountain Dew
  3. Chocolate lava cake
  4. Catfish
  5. Pizza

People I am tagging...

So there ya have it !!!!


scrappygal said...

ooh I will get back to you on this one I promise !!!! Today, later.

Loreen said...

Thank you for thinking of me. I have been really sick and that is why I have not posted. I appreciate you tagging me =)

illyse said...

oooohhh how fun..Thanks for tagging me.. I will get on that soon!! :)