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Monday, October 20, 2008

Something wicked this way comes.....

...... something wickedly fun that is!
Here at ScrapbookSuppliesDirect we're having our
second annual HALLOWEEN HOOPLA!

Halloween weekend we'll have lots of
games (riddles, bingo, scavenger hunts, and more),
challenges, swaps, and of course give-a-ways!
This year our grand prize will be a
PhotoBook Maker (valued at $100.00)!

It's a yummy treat for anyone who loves to create their

own books. Best of all it only takes ONE ticket to win!
(Tickets are issued to the winner of contests & challenges)

Many prizes!!!!

The mailing for details will be going out soon, if you'd
like to be in on the HOOPLA .... sign up for the newsletter now!

Pop on over and sign up in preparation!
Tell 'em ScrappyDoo2u sent ya!

Participate in our monthly mystery challenge in progress now!

You'll just love all the Hoopla!


Kimmie said...

Come to my blog... you've been tagged!

illyse said...

Hi Susan!
Just stopping by to say hello!
Thanks for all the good info on your blog!!