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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa Baby

We'll yesterday WAS eventful, but not very productive! Boy oh boy did my kiddos hate going to the bank with me yesterday! They usually enjoy it since they get a treat or a coffee, but on this trip .... SANTA was waiting. Check it out.....

Now you can tell that this trip wasn't planned .... oldest son wore his holiest of pants.

I didn't get to scrap anything, but honestly I think my brain needed the evening off! Instead I mindlessly played mahjong on my computer and watched tv .... I super zoned out!
I finally hit the town to try to get a little Christmas shopping done... and it's about darn time! I had a really hard time finding things for my oldest son. He's getting to the age now where he doesn't seem to want toys....more gadgets and gizmos! The youngest is still into toys, but also likes gizmos! Egad, it was hard shopping for them. I'm not done yet, but I couldn't really find ANYTHING that I felt they would enjoy. I had better luck on Amazon.com, not to mention they've got a 70% off section w/free shipping on certain items!!!! Anyhoo, I'll be doing some more shopping tomorrow I suppose. What I was UTTERLY SHOCKED to see is that while at Target they only had TWO (yes, two) registers open ... and there wasn't really a line at either one. I also went to a couple other stores and it was the same thing. This wasn't like the other years with wall to wall people .... then again, I haven't hit Wally World yet (not sure if I want to either).
That's about all for now .... I'll be making another post tomorrow!


thescrapmaster said...

They are so cute! Welcome to SCS :)
