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Monday, December 15, 2008

Handmade Holiday Creations & Giveaway

We'll Christmas is approaching rapidly and I am NO WHERE near ready. I can say that I've got my tree up (since 11/28) AND that I've mailed some of my Christmas Cards..... but I haven't finished my other cards, nor have I put anything under my tree! EEEEK!
Somehow, I still found time to create! Here are a few Handmade Holiday Creations that I've done .......
In it's former life it was a baby formula can, but after wrapping it and creating a paper bow on top it has transformed into a lovely package for a gift.

These were glass balls that I purchased from Michaels. The first one I used the ol ship inside the bottle to create a presents under the tree look. The second one was much easier to do, it was simply filling it with quilled coordinating papers.

Oh, I suppose you want to know about the Giveaway !!!!!

Ya just gotta check out what Lainey’s has going on……..Check it out……

Okay, you can stop droolin’ now and wipe your chin. Wanna know how you could try your hand at giving the goods a new home? Pop on over to blog and read all about it.

What cha waiting for ...... go now, just make sure to come back and visit me!


missysue said...

I love that can and that bow is awesome!!! you are such a creative little bugger!!!!

missysue said...

you are so talented. I love that bow.

Heather Plank said...

Hey Tally Sista!
It's been awhile since I stopped by here ;0(
Love the ornaments - they are beautiful!!!

Merry Christmas girl!

Heather Plank said...

Hello Tally Sister!
Love the ornaments - they are beautiful.

Merry Christmas girl!

Unknown said...

How did you get that tree inside the ball? I'm intrigued! I love you can (ha!), too!

As for my camera... it's coming along. I haven't had time to read up on all of the settings though, so I'm not using it to its full potential yet. I'll have to wait until after Christmas for that.

Loreen said...

These came out wonderful! Miss you =)

Olena said...

Nice bow!!! It's very cute!