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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And Life Goes On (personal update & a creation)

I've been so bad ..... I haven't made a post in a long time. I've tried not to make them all on a personal note, but I haven't been able to create much lately! However I did create one card this week ……

(stamp credit: CTMH - Hunting # D1213)

So here’s a little of my dirty laundry! Some of you may know that I left my husband in March because he was verbally and emotionally abusive. It just wasn't a healthy environment for me .... let alone the kids. So I made a big change in my life and the lifestyle of my boys! Unfortunately, the husband is oblivious to his problems … even though I’ve told him for almost ten years that he has anger issues or needs to stop making mountains out of mole hills.

I've interviewed for a job (although it has nothing to do with my clerical background) and I'm a little leery about it. But .... it beats not making any money! I did get that job and have been there for about a month. When I say I'm rollin’ in the dough.... I'm not kidding! It's a bakery!

What's happened since then ..... Hmmm, my sister got married on St Patty's Day and we had the reception in May. She got some pretty great little treasures for her house! I think their favorite was their coffee/espresso machine. YUMMMMMMY! Congrats to ya both, but Rick better develop eyes in the back of his head with you Sarah ... I see those bunny ears!

My two boys have tested and are not quite as ready as I am for them to go to public school. You have to understand, they've been homeschooled all their life, so this will be a drastic change for them.

Oh and here's what I've been up to.... Vroom Vroom baby! I bought me a car. It wasn't brand new, but the miles were low, the price was right AND my personal favorite .... it's a manual transmission! I ABSOLUTELY HATE AUTOMATICS!!!!

So with all that said ….. the only thing to say is that I’ve been missing you, my friends!!!!!! I will try to post again. Hopefully, I'll find my creative muse again!


Nicole Laird said...

Dang!! Look at that car!! And a job at a bakery!? Sounds like heaven to me! lol
So glad you updated! Your such a strong woman, and I am proud of you!! :0)

Mrs Pretzel said...

So good to hear from you and see that you are doing well. I think about you lots.

illyse said...

Hi Susan!
So glad to hear an update from you. You are always in my thoughts. Glad to hear things are going okay for you. Keep in touch!

scrappygal said...

oh wow! It seems like you are doing well. I am so glad to hear it. You crossed my mind lately and I am so glad to hear all the news. YOu are amazing and brave and I am so impressed by your perseverance. You go girl!

And BTW, I have been TERRIBLE about my blog...I haven't updated in maybe 2 months? Ugh! So don't expect anything too speical when you go over there!

Love ya!

Unknown said...

You are still on my mind..hope all is okay!

Good thoughts and I wish you more and more strength as each day goes by.

Amooretto said...

I'm sorry to hear of the change...but change is good. I hope that things work out for you and your boys...I'm sure they will. It sounds like you have a strong relationship with your boys and you did the right thing! {hugs}

Okay, that car just reminds me of my car I had before kids...darn it!

ScrapbookSuppliesDirect.com said...

Lots of changes and great things happening for ya. Happy to hear it. =)