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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Counterfeit Christmas

Well as I've already posted, I just returned from Nashville visiting family. We had our annual Christmas gathering and I got to see some family I hadn't seen in two years. It's always great to see them!

Last year my parents got me a gift certificate to Michael's for Christmas, but this year since I didn't want anything in particular they just decided to give me cash. I held onto it for a while, but finally got around to taking it to the bank. I'm saving for a kick butt camera and if I kept it in my purse it was gonna burn right through.

Imagine, if you will, my surprise, when the teller informs me that one of the $50 bills I'm attempting to deposit is a counterfeit!!! They used one of those color change pens that indicate if it's legit or not. So now, I'm stuck in this waiting game! I get to wait 30 days to see if their fraud division determines if in fact is truly a counterfeit bill. I mean what a mood quasher!

I hated to call my parents to tell them. Mainly because I know my mom. She'll feel bad that her gift wasn't good and want to replace it. I can't seem to get her to realize that it was the thought that counts and not to replace it. I just don't want her to pay for someone else's screw up! The bills she gave me came STRAIGHT FROM THE BANK! I can't believe that the bank passed a bogus bill and there's no possible recourse.

So ... I suppose today I'm going out to buy one of those darn counterfeit detecting pens and mark every bill someone hands me (not family though). I don't want to be like that but by golly if they make me wait while they do my bills when buying groceries, then I'm gonna make them wait while I check what they give me back! I don't care much for being screwed over.... especially when it comes to money.

I just feel so bad for my mom, because now she feels guilty and it's not her fault. I would have never mentioned it to her, but I knew that she had more bills at home from that same transaction .... my sisters present.

Anyhow, gonna end this post and try to make a happy one next.


Unknown said...

That stinks when the bank is responsible and you get screwed!

Susan said...

So Sorry this happened Susan!

illyse said...

That is just awful and unbelieveable too!! I hope it gets resloved and that you have a better 2009!!! uggghhh Poor you!

scrappygal said...

Wow..I am so out of touch..I missed this. What a let down ! Hope things all clear up.