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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update on Roxy

I believe that Roxy had a good day today. She might have had another seizure today, though. I had my oldest keeping an eye on her while she went potty and he came inside to get me and told me she fell down again. When I got to her, she wasn’t dazed, BUT she was lying down. As I approached she stood up.

I honestly can’t afford to medicate her to stop the seizures especially if it’s more than $20/month. Especially since she ALREADY has the body masses that we believe is cancer.

We just are taking things one day at a time, but if you recall she was having it rough with husband. Since I broke down and told him about her condition and he saw her fall out yesterday, he has been so much nicer to her.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Dobie ..... Roxy ! She's a SICK PUPPY!

I fear my darling Doberman ….. might have the big C !!! Yes, I mean cancer! She’s developed masses on her body and her joints are swelling! She’s my big baby and I can’t possibly imagine something like this happening to her! I’m so worried for her! I know it sounds weird, but please keep her in your mind …. This is not actually MY dobie! I bought her for my oldest son at Christmas when he was two! She is a great, loving and protective friend. She’s more than a pet …. She’s my girl!
She went to the vet. They said that they strongly believed it's cancer due to her swelling of joints, body masses, appetite changes, stool color and lathargic tendencies. She can't jump into my son's bed ... which she has never been opposed to before. she doesn't want to get out of her bed to go potty. the mases have showed up rather quickly .... between 3-5 days which is quick for it to be anything other than. In order to find out for sure, I will have to undergo about $200 in tests. She's definitely worth it, but dh won't go for it. His take is that for $200 he could just about purchase another purebred dobie pup. I'm so distraught over this and I can't even talk to dh about it. He doesn't want to hear anything about it.
I finally broke down this morning while petting Roxy (my dobie) and dh asked was I tearing up and why. I told him about her masses, her black poopies (which indicates blood in stool) and her other issues. He genuinely seemed sad. .... Me too!
OMG!!!! Roxy was laying down on my covers in the middle of the living room. She got up and walked to her house and before she could get there it was like both her back legs went out from under her.... then her front legs because the back two gave out. Her eyes were darting left and right but with nothing there...she was like dazed. She laid there like that for about 1 min (seemed like 5!) but then she game back into focus, eyes settled, and she slowly stood up and went into her house. WTH????? Was that a seizure?????
Sorry, a little freaked out right now!
She even left a little pp puddle. :( Like she was scared or lost control.I'm so worried for her, like she was my own kid. All I can do is love her and be with her until it's time. The last few days since my original post had all been *good* days. I'll be okay for now, but when it comes time ... I might need a shoulder and a xanax.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Update on Roxy, My AKC Doberman

I finally broke down Saturday and told my DH about our Dobie being sick. DH had ill feelings towards her until he discovered that part of her 'issues' are not helpable by her. I believe she has cancer and DDD.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mississippi Tornado

We had a tornado hit here just a few days back. I wasn't sure if any other you other ladies knew. I went around today and took a few pictures. I tried to be respectful of HOME OWNERS and not shoot any homes .... and believe me there were quite a few that had damage. Trees on houses, vehicles, uprooted. Blown away shingles, and just lots of wind damage. The photos below are of a couple businesses that are about 8-10 min from my house. This is the second tornado that has come close to me, but not nearly as close as the one I encountered in Nashville around 1998 where I was without power for nearly 2 weeks!

Anyhow, Below are some picts of the industrial section that got hit pretty hard. There are quite a few people unemployed now and that damaged homes. Although the most that happened to mine was a few shingles were missing .... 37 to be exact, my heart goes out to those with great losses!

This is COOPER LIGHTING, their business was ripped too pooo! You can see inside their building quite well and they have security there so that no one can enter and take things from the exposed palates. To make matters worse for this business, it caught on fire during the tornado. These photos were taken today, so it's apparent it's going to be a slow recovery process..

I do not know the name of the business that is in the photo below. I dubbed it the 330 building. I know that it's right across the street from the park I take my kids to play at and this is the one, although you can't tell in the photos, that had 2 semi's over turned and tossed INSIDE the building. When I drove by 3 days ago, the semis were there, but today it looked like they had been removed.

The following business is also unknown to me.... and honestly there's not much of it left for me to try to figure out what it used to be .... but it's demolished. This photo is what it looked like from the tornado NOT THE CLEAN UP!

I know that this could happen anywhere, but I just wanted to ask everyone to keep everyone that was affected by this tornado in their thoughts.